frequent asked questions





Where does Louàne Tes Belle ship to?
Louàne Tes Belle ships worldwide.
What is the shipping time?
We strive to deliver your package quickly. DHL Express will handle the shipping, which takes 1-5 business days depending on your location. Once your order has been delivered to the courier, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with delivery details. Please note that Louàne Tes Belle is not responsible for any unforeseen delays beyond our control.
How much does shipping cost?
The shipping price will be displayed at checkout. For customers within the European Union, there are multiple shipping options available. For customers outside of the EU, we only ship with DHL EXPRESS.
Are VAT and other import fees or taxes included in the price?
If you reside within the European Union, all fees are included in the price and you will not be charged any additional fees to receive your package. However, if you reside outside of the EU, VAT and/or other fees for import are not included and may be charged to the customer. Unfortunately, we are unable to estimate these fees and recommend that you check with your regional customs authority.
Can I modify my shipping address?
If you need to modify your shipping or delivery information after placing your order, please contact us within 24 hours.



What is your return policy?
The product must be returned in perfect condition in its original packaging. Exchange or returns can be requested within 14 days. Exchanged items will be shipped once your product has been accepted by our quality services. For more information, please read our Return Policy. If you experience any problems with the product, please contact us via
Can I cancel or modify my order?
If you need to cancel or modify your order, please contact us within 24 hours by sending an email with your order number to and we will be happy to assist you further.
How can I track my order status?
Once your item(s) have been shipped, you will receive a confirmation email which will include a link to track your order through the carrier.
Which payment methods do you accept?
We currently accept Ideal, Credit Card, and PayPal.


How do I take care of my insert(s)?
Louàne Tes Belle textiles are crafted with the finest materials and in accordance with our highest quality standards. These luxurious textiles require special handling and attention to ensure their attributes are preserved over time. Textiles are susceptible to sharp objects and should be avoided. When not in use, store in a cool, dry place away from dust and humidity. The insert can be cleaned with Louane Tes Belle stain remover wipes, or dry cleaning is recommended for cleaning. Any home remedies or machine washing can severely damage the textile.
How do I take care of my bag hanger?
Louàne Tes Belle logo bag hanger is made of brass and plated with palladium gold or silver for a lustrous appearance. While resistant, the bag hanger requires special handling and care to ensure optimal performance and appearance. For storage, simply place it in the pouch provided at purchase away from dust, moisture, heat, and humidity. Lightly polish with the cloth for cleaning. Immersing in water or using any chemicals may cause irreversible damage.
Where are Louane Tes Belle products made?
Louane Tes Belle products are crafted with the highest quality materials and craftsmanship and are made in Italy.
Louàne Tes Belle is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with brands such as Chanel, Dior, and Hermes, or any of their subsidiaries and affiliates.  Louàne Tes Belle is its own brand.
Louàne Tes Belle products do not come with a traditional warranty. However, we do provide extra services for a fee in case of any problems with our products. For more information, please contact us at